Px to Centimeters Converter

Px to cm converter is a tool used to convert pixels (px) to centimeters (cm), which are units of measurement used to express the size of an image or screen display in digital media. The conversion factor used to convert pixels to centimeters is dependent on the PPI value used, with higher PPI values resulting in smaller physical sizes for a given number of pixels. For example, if the PPI value is 96, 1 pixel is equal to 0.02645833 cm.


Conversion options:

How to Use Px to Centimeters Converter

  1. Enter PPI
  2. Enter the value in PX that you want to convert

What is Pixels and Centimeters?

Pixels and centimeters are units of measurement used in digital media and printing, respectively.

Pixel (px) is a unit of measurement for digital images, used to express the number of individual dots or picture elements in an image or display. Pixels are used to represent and store color information in digital images and determine the size of an image on a screen.

Centimeter (cm) is a unit of measurement in the metric system, used to express length or distance. In printing, centimeters are used to express the physical size of an image or object on a page or display.

It's important to note that pixels are a digital unit of measurement, while centimeters are a physical unit of measurement. Therefore, conversion between pixels and centimeters depends on the resolution of the display screen, as well as the number of pixels per inch (PPI) on that screen.

How to Convert Px to Centimeters?

To convert pixels (px) to centimeters (cm), you need to know the number of pixels per inch (PPI) of the display screen or printer. Then, you can use the following formula to perform the conversion:

cm = (px / PPI) * 2.54


  • px = number of pixels
  • PPI = pixels per inch of the display screen or printer
  • 2.54 = number of centimeters per inch

For example, if you have an image with a size of 500 pixels and the display screen has a PPI of 96, the size of the image in centimeters would be:

cm = (500 / 96) * 2.54 = 12.7 cm

It's important to note that the conversion factor may differ depending on the specific device used, so it's important to use the correct PPI value for the device you are working with.

Pixels to Centimeters Conversion Table

Here is a conversion table for pixels to centimeters for a few common resolutions:

Pixels 96 PPI 300 PPI